Yesterday I had a nice evening in the new space Black Mama Studio in via Forcella (Tortona) for the presentation of the very first nail polishes collection presented from a car manufacturer: A-Nail.
A capsule collection of nail polishes dedicated to the new Klasse A from Stuttgart, three colors available: monolith grey, the jupiter red and south seas blue. They pampered us with a beautiful manicure (I tried the monolith grey and it's really great) and the beauticians had a cute waiter's outfit. Most exciting moment? PINKSPEEDBLOG signed on the hood of the new Klasse A with the nail polish. The nail polishes are sold in Mercedes-Benz boutiques in this adorable package. Ok enough, now I'm getting too fashion blogger;)
Oggi faccio la femminuccia: ieri ho passato una bella serata nel nuovo spazio Black Mama Studio in via Forcella (zona Tortona) per la presentazione